2nd Workshop ‘Purification Therapies’

The scientific contributions of the Second Edition of the Workshop Purification Therapies – Ideas for Clinical Research have been published in a Supplement of the Blood Purification journal

Friday 15 March

Opening Lecture: Evidence based medicine or not?

G. Remuzzi

Apheresis and Critical Patients

Sepsis and Cytokines: Science, reality and legends

D. Payen
Presentation Abstract

Multi organ failure: the role of ECMO and Apheresis

F. Pappalardo

Liver Failure, do we have new opportunities?

S. Faenza
Presentation Abstract

Inflammatory bowel diseases and Apheresis

M. Vecchi
Presentation Abstract

The role of Registries on EBM and the CytoSorb Registry

FM Brunkhorst

Apheresis and Transplantation

Transplantation in the “Marginal Organs” era: Results and Prospective

M. Cardillo

Two voices introduction: the mediators of Organ Damage

G. Castellano & V. Fanelli

In situ perfusion

M. Zanierato

Hypothermic ex vivo perfusion: the kidney

C. Carrara
Presentation Abstract

Normothermic ex vivo perfusion: the liver

D. Ghinolfi
Presentation Abstract

What the lung experience is telling us

M. Boffini

Saturday 16 March

Study Group Parallel Meetings

Therapeutic Apheresis for IBD Study Group

Chairs: Maurizio Vecchi; Mauro Mastronardi

Apheresis in Septic Patients Study Group

Chair: Filippo Aucella

Apheresis in Liver Failure Study Group

Chairs: V. Marco Ranieri, Stefano Faenza

Apheresis and DCD: DONARE Study Group

Chair: Francesco Procaccio

Pediatric Study Group

Chair: Gabriella Bottari